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ACS Nano:闪蒸焦耳热解开碳纳米管得到纳米片和纤维

点击:0 时间:2023-05-03 10:15:43


    杂化碳纳米材料,例如将碳纳米管结合到石墨烯片中的材料,由于它们的共价键合和 π-π 堆叠域,已被发现显示出有趣的机械和电学特性。然而,这些混合材料的合成受到化学气相沉积等技术的高能量成本的限制。在这里,我们通过原始碳纳米管的闪蒸焦耳加热展示了二维碳纳米管/石墨烯网络的无溶剂和无气体合成。正如拉曼光谱和显微镜所证实的那样,可以通过改变脉冲时间来调整混合材料中每种形态的相对比例。与纯环氧树脂相比,用混合材料制成的环氧树脂复合材料的摩擦压痕表明,硬度和杨氏模量分别增加了 162% 和 64%。

    Hybrid carbon nanomaterials, such as those that incorporate carbon nanotubes into graphene sheets, have been found to display interesting mechanical and electrical properties because of their covalent bonding and π–π stacking domains. However, synthesis of these hybrid materials is limited by the high energetic cost of techniques like chemical vapor deposition. Here, we demonstrate the solvent- and gas-free synthesis of a 2D carbon nanotube/graphene network through flash Joule heating of pristine carbon nanotubes. The relative proportion of each morphology in the hybrid material can be tuned by varying the pulse time, as confirmed by Raman spectroscopy and microscopy. Triboindentation of epoxy composites made with the hybrid material shows increases of 162% and 64% to the hardness and Young’s modulus, respectively, compared with the neat epoxy. These results demonstrate that flash Joule heating can be used to inexpensively convert carbon nanotubes into a hybrid network of nanotubes and graphene for use as an effective reinforcing additive in epoxy composites.

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